Miscast Musical | August 27-30
Directed by David Dagenais
Miscast Musical will be Broadway show tunes with a twist produced by Dave Dagenais. Our performers let their inner selves shine and perform songs that maybe they were not meant to sing or could expect to be cast in. Octaves change, genders switch, and fun follows! Featuring songs from some of your favorite actors performing memorable songs from Broadway shows you love.
Coralee Daughtry
Ella Bartlett
Eliisa Gladwell
Marcia Hicks
Malorie Munson
Monica Nordeen
Anthony Beacco
Joey Black
Benjamen Filipowicz
Bobby Glenn Brown
Alex Herman
Jeremiah Ogawa
Jeff Spencer
Coralee Daughtry
Ella Bartlett
Eliisa Gladwell
Marcia Hicks
Malorie Munson
Monica Nordeen
Anthony Beacco
Joey Black
Benjamen Filipowicz
Bobby Glenn Brown
Alex Herman
Jeremiah Ogawa
Jeff Spencer